Zateq Ambassador 140 Squash Racket

52,13 EUR

List price 147,40 EUR

Based on 65 Reviews
Stock status: In stock

Zateq Ambassador 140 Squash racket. A great power squash racket in the 140 gram class, designed with the Power Frame from Zateq. Carbon lay-up, which consists of 70% HM carbon fibers and 30% fibre is allocated to improve the dynamic swing weight, which in fact means that the Ambassador 140 grams frame weight is comparable to squash rackets in the 135 grams class. As something completely unique in this class, Zateq Ambassador is strung with the most expensive multifilament string from Zateq, namely the XPS 120, which gives a great combination.


Head size: 495 cm2

String Pattern: 14x18

Balance: 370 mm

Weight: 140 grams

Strings: Zateq XPS120 multifilament

Grip: Zateq Moistsorb